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{"fields": [{"name": "UniqueRecord", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Unique Record identifier - FMSFarm and Year", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "FMSFarm", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Unique Farm identifier", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Year", "spss:format": "F7", "title": "Year of fieldbook", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "WeeklyWage", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Average weekly wage", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "API", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Agricultural Price Index", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "CPI", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Compound Price Index", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "FPI", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Fertiliser Price Index", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "RG", "spss:format": "F8.1", "title": "Area Rough Grazing (ac)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "RG_Eq", "spss:format": "F8.1", "title": "Area Rough Grazing equivalent (ac)", "type": "number"}, {"name": "CensusSizeCategories", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Farm size as defined by census returns 1950-1970", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "AreaFarmed", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Total area farmed (ac)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "GrassArea", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Area of grassland less RG (ac)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "TotalGrassArea", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Total area of grassland including RG (ac)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "TotalCropArea", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Total Area of crops (ac)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Crop_pcent", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "% of crop land to area farmed", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Y1wheat", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Wheat yield (tons/acre)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Y2barley", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Barley yield (tons/acre)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Y3oats", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Oats yield (tons/acre)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Y4sbeet", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Sugar beet yield (tons/acre)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Y5pots", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Potatoes (tons/acre)", "type": "number"}, {"name": "Y9eggs", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Egg Yield (Dozen Eggs)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Y10milk", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Milk Yield (Gallons)", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "MilkYield_acre", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Milk yield per acre of grass (excl. rough grazing)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "MilkYield_100Conc", "spss:format": "F8.3", "title": "Milk yield per £100 use of concentrates", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "MilkYield_100Conc_MA3", "spss:format": "F8.3", "title": "Milk yield per £100 use of concentrates - 3yr moving average", "type": "number"}, {"name": "O2cereal", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of cereal output (excl. deficiency payments)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "O3othcr", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of other crop output", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "O4hortic", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of horticultural output", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "O5cattle", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of cattle output (excl. subsidies)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "O6sheep", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of Sheep output (excl. subsidies)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "O7pigs", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of pig output", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "O8poultry", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of poultry output", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "O9dairy", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of dairy produce", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Enterprises", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Total number of enterprises selling produce", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "P5cattle", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of cattle stock purchases", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "P6sheep", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of sheep stock purchases", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "P7pigs", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of pig stock purchases", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "P8poultry", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of poultry stock purchases", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "AllPurchases", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Value of all purchases", "type": "number"}, {"name": "WorkHorses", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Number of working horses (closing number)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "TotalOutput", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Total Output of all enterprises", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "GrazingOutput", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Grazing Output (O5cattle + 06sheep + 09dairy)", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "GrazingOutput_acre", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Grazing output per grazing acre", "type": "number"}, {"name": "CropOutput", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Crop Output (O2cereals + O3othcr)", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "CropOutput_acre", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Crop Output per crop acre", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "CerealOutput_100_Fert", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Cereal Output per £100 of fertiliser", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "OtherCrop_100_TotalOutput", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Other crop output as a ratio of total output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "CropOutput86", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Crop output adjusted to 1986 prices", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "CropOutput86_acre", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Crop output per acre adjusted to 1986 prices", "type": "number"}, {"name": "AnimalOutput", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Gross output from all animal output", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "AniOutput_100_Conc", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Animal Output per £100 of concentrates", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "AniOutput_100_Conc_MA3", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Animal Output per £100 of concentrates - 3yr moving average", "type": "number"}, {"name": "MaxOutput", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Absolute value of highest financially yielding enterprise", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "TotalNetOutput", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Net output of enterprises less the purchase of livestock", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Cattle_DairyNetOutput", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of cattle outputs (Cattle and Dairy) less the purchase of cattle", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "SheepNetOutput", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of sheep output less the purchase of sheep", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "GrazingNetOutput", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Value of grazing output (dairy, cattle, and sheep) less the purchase of cattle and sheep", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "GrazingNetOutput_acre", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Gross grazing output per acre", "type": "number"}, {"name": "PigsNetOutput", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of pig output less the purchase of pigs", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "PoultryNetOutput", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of poultry output less the purchase of poultry", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "NetAnimalOutput", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Value of Animal Output less Animal purchases", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "NetAniOutput_100_Conc", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Net animal output per £100 use of concentrates", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "NetAniOutput_100_Conc_MA3", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Net animal output per £100 use of concentrates - 3yr moving average", "type": "number"}, {"name": "MaxNetOutput", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Net value of highest financially yielding enterprise", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "GrazingOutput86", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Gross grazing output adjusted for 1986 prices", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "GrazingOutput86_acre", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Gross grazing output per acre adjusted for 1986 prices", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "GrazingNetOutput86", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Net Grazing output adjusted for 1986 prices", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "GrazingNetOutput86_acre", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Net Grazing output per acre adjusted for 1986 prices", "type": "number"}, {"name": "AbsLab", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Absolute labour (number)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I9lab", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Cost of labour", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I1ferts", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Cost of fertilisers", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I2pests", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Cost of crop sprays & dust", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I3miscc", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Miscellaneous crop costs", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I4seed", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Cost of seeds", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I5Conc", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Cost of concentrates", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I6vet", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Vet and medicine costs", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I7lscosts", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Other livestock costs (other feed + other livestock costs)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I8rent", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Rent and rates (Rent, Rental value, Rates & other rents - not imputed costs for improvements)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I10mach_costs", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Cost of Machinery (Mach repairs, fuel, contract)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I11bldng", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Building repairs (small tools etc.)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I12drain", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Drainage costs", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I13misc", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Miscellaneous costs", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "AverageK", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Average capital cost (OV+CV)/2", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "TotalCosts", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Total costs of inputs", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "TotalCosts_incl_lvstkpurch", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Total costs of inputs including livestock purchases (AllPurchases)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "TotalCosts86", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Total costs adjusted to 1986 prices", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "TotalCosts_incl_lvstkpurch86", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Total costs including livestock purchasing adjusted to 1986 prices", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "IFSgross", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Index of Farm Specialization based on gross output values", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "IFSnet", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Index of Farm Specialization based on net output values", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "GrossOutput_100_input", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Ratio of gross output per £100 of inputs ", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "GrossOutput_100_labour", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Ratio of gross output per £100 of labour cost", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "GrossOutput_100_capital", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Ratio of gross output per £100 of capital", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "NetOutput_100_input", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Ratio of net output per £100 of inputs ", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "NetOutput_100_labour", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Ratio of net output per £100 of labour cost", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "NetOutput_100_capital", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Ratio of net output per £100 of capital", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Fert_Pest_Ratio", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Fertiliser pesticide ratio", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "InputLabourRatio", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Input Labour Ratio (TotalCosts / Labour)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "LabCosts86", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Labour costs adjusted for 1986 prices", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "LabCosts_acre86", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Labour costs per acre adjusted for 1986 prices", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "WeeksOFLabour", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Number of weeks of labour", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "FTE_est", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Estimated Full-Time Equivalents working on farm", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "FTE_est_acre", "spss:format": "F8.3", "title": "Estimated Full-Time Equivalents working per acre", "type": "number"}, {"name": "C2bldnginv", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of investment made", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Investment", "spss:format": "A3000", "title": "Description of investment", "type": "string"}, {"name": "CapitalGrant", "spss:format": "F10", "title": "Total value of capital grants", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Capital_Grant_Purpose", "spss:format": "A900", "title": "Capital Grants - Capital Grant Purpose", "type": "string"}, {"name": "C1m_cbought", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of machinery bought", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Machbought", "spss:format": "A3000", "title": "Description of machinery bought", "type": "string"}, {"name": "Machinery_Grant", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Machinery Grant", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Machinery_Grant_Purpose", "spss:format": "A900", "title": "Machinery Grant Purpose", "type": "string"}, {"name": "GovtGrants", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of capital grants", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_Ploughing", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Ploughing", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_Calf", 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"Farms that sell cereals", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Dummy_othercrops", "spss:format": "F1", "title": "Farms that sell other crops", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Dummy_workhorses", "spss:format": "F1", "title": "Farms that keep workhorses", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Dummy_Electricity", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Farm have installed mains electricity", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Years1950_1969", "spss:format": "F1", "title": "Farms fieldbook records in the 50s and 60s", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Years1970on", "spss:format": "F1", "title": "Farms fieldbook records post 1970", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "YearsBefore1950", "spss:format": "F1", "title": "Farms fieldbook records before 1950", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "SampleYearAreaMean", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Annual sample mean for area farmed", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "SampleYearAreaMedian", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Annual sample median for area farmed", "type": "number"}, {"name": "FarmSize_vs_SampleMean", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Farm Area compared to sample mean", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "FarmSize_vs_SampleMedian", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Farm Area compared to sample median", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Dif_Farmarea_SampleMean", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Difference between farm area and sample mean", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Dif_Farmarea_SampleMedian", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Difference between farm area and sample median", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Pc_dif_Farmarea_SampleMean", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Percentage difference between farm size and sample mean", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Pc_dif_Farmarea_SampleMedian", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Percentage difference between farm size and sample mean", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "AbsChangeOfFarmSize", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Absolute change in farm area over period of time in survey", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "CategorizingChangeMean", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Change in farm area over period in farm survey compared to mean", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "CategorizingChangeMedian", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Change in farm area over period in farm survey compared to median", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "RelPeriodChange", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Relative change within farm from first to last entry", "type": "number"}, {"name": "CatPeriodChange", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Category of relative change within farm from first to last entry", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "N_Used_units", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Nitrogen Use per farm (units)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "N_Used_units_ac", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Nitrogen Use per farm (units/acre)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Nused_units_ac_MA2", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Moving average (2 years) for nitrogen Use per farm (units/acre)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Nused_units_ac_MA3", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Moving average (3 years) for nitrogen Use per farm (units/acre)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "N_Used_kg_ha", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Nitrogen Use per farm (kg/ha) ", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Nused_kg_ha_MA2", "spss:format": "F7.2", "title": "Moving average (2 years) for nitrogen Use per farm (kg/ha)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Nused_kg_ha_MA3", "spss:format": "F11.2", "title": "Moving average (3 years) for nitrogen Use per farm (kg/ha)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Conc_ac", "spss:format": "F8.3", "title": "Concentrate use per acre", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Conc_lbs", "spss:format": "F8.3", "title": "Concentrate lbs per gallon of milk ", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "FertCosts86", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Fertiliser costs at 1986 prices", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "ConcCosts86", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Concentrate feed costs at 1986 prices", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO2cereals_TO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Cereal output as a proportion of total output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO3othcr_TO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Other crops output as a proportion of total output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO4hortic_TO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Horticulture output as a proportion of total output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO5cattle_TO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Cattle output as a proportion of total output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO6sheep_TO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Sheep output as a proportion of total output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO7pigs_TO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Pigs output as a proportion of total output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO8poultry_TO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Poultry output as a proportion of total output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO9dairy_TO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Dairy output as a proportion of total output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO2cereals_MO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Cereal output as a proportion of maximum output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO3othcr_MO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Other crops output as a proportion of maximum output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO4hortic_MO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Horticulture output as a proportion of maximum output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO5cattle_MO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Cattle output as a proportion of maximum output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO6sheep_MO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Sheep output as a proportion of maximum output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO7pigs_MO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Pigs output as a proportion of maximum output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO8poultry_MO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Poultry output as a proportion of maximum output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO9dairy_MO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Dairy output as a proportion of maximum output", "type": "number"}, {"name": "silage_equip", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "Purchase of Forage Harvester", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "silage_value", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "value of expenditure on forage harvester (current price)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "milking_equip", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "purchase of milking machine or bail or other dairy investment ", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "milking_equip_value", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "value of expenditure on milking equip in current prices", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "dairy_buildings1", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "investment in Milking Parlour", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "dairy_buildings1_value", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "value of expenditure in parlour (current prices)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "dairy_buildings2", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "investment in cubicles", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "dairy_buildings2_value", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "value of expenditure on cubicles (current prices)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Hay_equip", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "purchase of hay making equipment", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Hay_equip_value", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "value of expenditure in hay making equipment (current prices)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Baler", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "purchase of baler", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Baler_value", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "value of expenditure on baler (current prices)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Tractor", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "purchase of tractor", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Tractor_value", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "value of expenditure on tractor (current prices)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Combine_harvester", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "purchase of combine harvester", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Combine_harvester_value", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "value of expenditure on combine (current prices)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Bulk_tank", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "purchase of bulk tank", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Bulk_tank_value", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "value of expenditure on bulk tank (current prices)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "MDE", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "purchase of miscellaneous dairy equipment", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "MDE_value", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "value of expenditure on miscellaneous dairy equipment (current prices)", "type": "integer"}]}}, {"bytes": 28432628, "datahub": {"derivedFrom": ["data"], "type": "derived/preview"}, "dialect": {"delimiter": ",", "doubleQuote": true, "lineTerminator": "\r\n", 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"title": "Average weekly wage", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "API", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Agricultural Price Index", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "CPI", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Compound Price Index", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "FPI", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Fertiliser Price Index", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "RG", "spss:format": "F8.1", "title": "Area Rough Grazing (ac)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "RG_Eq", "spss:format": "F8.1", "title": "Area Rough Grazing equivalent (ac)", "type": "number"}, {"name": "CensusSizeCategories", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Farm size as defined by census returns 1950-1970", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "AreaFarmed", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Total area farmed (ac)", "type": "number"}, 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"spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of cereal output (excl. deficiency payments)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "O3othcr", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of other crop output", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "O4hortic", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of horticultural output", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "O5cattle", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of cattle output (excl. subsidies)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "O6sheep", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of Sheep output (excl. subsidies)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "O7pigs", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of pig output", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "O8poultry", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of poultry output", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "O9dairy", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of dairy produce", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Enterprises", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Total number of enterprises selling produce", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "P5cattle", "spss:format": "F8", "title": 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"type": "number"}, {"name": "CropOutput", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Crop Output (O2cereals + O3othcr)", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "CropOutput_acre", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Crop Output per crop acre", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "CerealOutput_100_Fert", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Cereal Output per £100 of fertiliser", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "OtherCrop_100_TotalOutput", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Other crop output as a ratio of total output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "CropOutput86", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Crop output adjusted to 1986 prices", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "CropOutput86_acre", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Crop output per acre adjusted to 1986 prices", "type": "number"}, {"name": "AnimalOutput", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Gross output from all animal output", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "AniOutput_100_Conc", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Animal Output per £100 of concentrates", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "AniOutput_100_Conc_MA3", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Animal Output per £100 of concentrates - 3yr moving average", "type": "number"}, {"name": "MaxOutput", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Absolute value of highest financially yielding enterprise", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "TotalNetOutput", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Net output of enterprises less the purchase of livestock", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Cattle_DairyNetOutput", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of cattle outputs (Cattle and Dairy) less the purchase of cattle", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "SheepNetOutput", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of sheep output less the purchase of sheep", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "GrazingNetOutput", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Value of grazing output (dairy, cattle, and sheep) less the purchase of cattle and sheep", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "GrazingNetOutput_acre", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Gross grazing output per acre", "type": "number"}, {"name": "PigsNetOutput", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of pig output less the purchase of pigs", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "PoultryNetOutput", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of poultry output less the purchase of poultry", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "NetAnimalOutput", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Value of Animal Output less Animal purchases", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "NetAniOutput_100_Conc", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Net animal output per £100 use of concentrates", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "NetAniOutput_100_Conc_MA3", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Net animal output per £100 use of concentrates - 3yr moving average", "type": "number"}, {"name": "MaxNetOutput", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Net value of highest financially yielding enterprise", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "GrazingOutput86", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Gross grazing output adjusted for 1986 prices", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "GrazingOutput86_acre", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Gross grazing output per acre adjusted for 1986 prices", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "GrazingNetOutput86", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Net Grazing output adjusted for 1986 prices", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "GrazingNetOutput86_acre", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Net Grazing output per acre adjusted for 1986 prices", "type": "number"}, {"name": "AbsLab", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Absolute labour (number)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I9lab", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Cost of labour", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I1ferts", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Cost of fertilisers", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I2pests", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Cost of crop sprays & dust", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I3miscc", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Miscellaneous crop costs", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I4seed", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Cost of seeds", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I5Conc", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Cost of concentrates", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I6vet", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Vet and medicine costs", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I7lscosts", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Other livestock costs (other feed + other livestock costs)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I8rent", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Rent and rates (Rent, Rental value, Rates & other rents - not imputed costs for improvements)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I10mach_costs", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Cost of Machinery (Mach repairs, fuel, contract)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I11bldng", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Building repairs (small tools etc.)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I12drain", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Drainage costs", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I13misc", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Miscellaneous costs", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "AverageK", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Average capital cost (OV+CV)/2", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "TotalCosts", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Total costs of inputs", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "TotalCosts_incl_lvstkpurch", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Total costs of inputs including livestock purchases (AllPurchases)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "TotalCosts86", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Total costs adjusted to 1986 prices", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "TotalCosts_incl_lvstkpurch86", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Total costs including livestock purchasing adjusted to 1986 prices", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "IFSgross", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Index of Farm Specialization based on gross output values", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "IFSnet", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Index of Farm Specialization based on net output values", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "GrossOutput_100_input", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Ratio of gross output per £100 of inputs ", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "GrossOutput_100_labour", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Ratio of gross output per £100 of labour cost", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "GrossOutput_100_capital", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Ratio of gross output per £100 of capital", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "NetOutput_100_input", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Ratio of net output per £100 of inputs ", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "NetOutput_100_labour", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Ratio of net output per £100 of labour cost", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "NetOutput_100_capital", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Ratio of net output per £100 of capital", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Fert_Pest_Ratio", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Fertiliser pesticide ratio", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "InputLabourRatio", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Input Labour Ratio (TotalCosts / Labour)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "LabCosts86", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Labour costs adjusted for 1986 prices", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "LabCosts_acre86", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Labour costs per acre adjusted for 1986 prices", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "WeeksOFLabour", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Number of weeks of labour", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "FTE_est", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Estimated Full-Time Equivalents working on farm", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "FTE_est_acre", "spss:format": "F8.3", "title": "Estimated Full-Time Equivalents working per acre", "type": "number"}, {"name": "C2bldnginv", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of investment made", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Investment", "spss:format": "A3000", "title": "Description of investment", "type": "string"}, {"name": "CapitalGrant", "spss:format": "F10", "title": "Total value of capital grants", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Capital_Grant_Purpose", "spss:format": "A900", "title": "Capital Grants - Capital Grant Purpose", "type": "string"}, {"name": "C1m_cbought", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of machinery bought", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Machbought", "spss:format": "A3000", "title": "Description of machinery bought", "type": "string"}, {"name": "Machinery_Grant", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Machinery Grant", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Machinery_Grant_Purpose", "spss:format": "A900", "title": "Machinery Grant Purpose", "type": "string"}, {"name": "GovtGrants", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of capital grants", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_Ploughing", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Ploughing", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_Calf", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Calf", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_Capitation_Bonus", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Capitation Bonus", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_Beefcow", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Beef Cow", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_HillCattle", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Hill cattle", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_HillCowSubsidy", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Hill Cow Subsidy", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_SCP", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - SCP", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_BCBIS", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Beef Cow Brucellosis Incentive Scheme", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_EwePrem", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - EAP", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_HillSheep", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Hill Sheep", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_Boar", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Boar", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_Drainage", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Drainage", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_Fertiliser", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Fertiliser", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_Petrol", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Petrol", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_Manure", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Manure", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_Cottage", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Cottage", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_Water_Supply", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Water Supply", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_Guidance", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Guidance Premium", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_othCrops", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Other crops", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_Other_grant", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Other Grant", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_Other_Text", "spss:format": "A300", "title": "Government Grant - Other Grant Text", "type": "string"}, {"name": "FarmersAge", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Age of Principle Farmer", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Tenure", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Tenure type", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "NameChange", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Change of name on Fieldbook", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "FarmType", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Farm type (front of fieldbook)", "type": "number"}, {"name": "SoilType", "spss:format": "A150", "title": "Soil type (front of fieldbook)", "type": "string"}, {"name": "AltitudeMin", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Minimum altitude (front of fieldbook)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "AltitudeMax", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Minimum altitude (front of fieldbook)", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "DistrictType", "spss:format": "F8.1", "title": "Type of district belonged to", "type": "number"}, {"name": "GridReference", "spss:format": "A30", "title": "Grid Reference", "type": "string"}, {"name": "SignficantComments", "spss:format": "A3000", "title": "Comments that might be significant", "type": "string"}, {"name": "BreedComments", "spss:format": "A150", "title": "Comments about breeds", "type": "string"}, {"name": "Dummy_cattle", "spss:format": "F1", "title": "Farms that sell cattle", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Dummy_sheep", "spss:format": "F1", "title": "Farms that sell sheep", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Dummy_pigs", "spss:format": "F1", "title": "Farms that sell pigs", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Dummy_poultry", "spss:format": "F1", "title": "Farms that sell poultry", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Dummy_dairy", "spss:format": "F1", "title": "Farms that sell dairy", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Dummy_Cereals", "spss:format": "F1", "title": "Farms that sell cereals", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Dummy_othercrops", "spss:format": "F1", "title": "Farms that sell other crops", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Dummy_workhorses", "spss:format": "F1", "title": "Farms that keep workhorses", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Dummy_Electricity", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Farm have installed mains electricity", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Years1950_1969", "spss:format": "F1", "title": "Farms fieldbook records in the 50s and 60s", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Years1970on", "spss:format": "F1", "title": "Farms fieldbook records post 1970", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "YearsBefore1950", "spss:format": "F1", "title": "Farms fieldbook records before 1950", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "SampleYearAreaMean", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Annual sample mean for area farmed", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "SampleYearAreaMedian", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Annual sample median for area farmed", "type": "number"}, {"name": "FarmSize_vs_SampleMean", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Farm Area compared to sample mean", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "FarmSize_vs_SampleMedian", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Farm Area compared to sample median", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Dif_Farmarea_SampleMean", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Difference between farm area and sample mean", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Dif_Farmarea_SampleMedian", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Difference between farm area and sample median", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Pc_dif_Farmarea_SampleMean", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Percentage difference between farm size and sample mean", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Pc_dif_Farmarea_SampleMedian", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Percentage difference between farm size and sample mean", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "AbsChangeOfFarmSize", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Absolute change in farm area over period of time in survey", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "CategorizingChangeMean", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Change in farm area over period in farm survey compared to mean", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "CategorizingChangeMedian", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Change in farm area over period in farm survey compared to median", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "RelPeriodChange", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Relative change within farm from first to last entry", "type": "number"}, {"name": "CatPeriodChange", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Category of relative change within farm from first to last entry", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "N_Used_units", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Nitrogen Use per farm (units)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "N_Used_units_ac", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Nitrogen Use per farm (units/acre)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Nused_units_ac_MA2", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Moving average (2 years) for nitrogen Use per farm (units/acre)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Nused_units_ac_MA3", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Moving average (3 years) for nitrogen Use per farm (units/acre)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "N_Used_kg_ha", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Nitrogen Use per farm (kg/ha) ", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Nused_kg_ha_MA2", "spss:format": "F7.2", "title": "Moving average (2 years) for nitrogen Use per farm (kg/ha)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Nused_kg_ha_MA3", "spss:format": "F11.2", "title": "Moving average (3 years) for nitrogen Use per farm (kg/ha)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Conc_ac", "spss:format": "F8.3", "title": "Concentrate use per acre", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Conc_lbs", "spss:format": "F8.3", "title": "Concentrate lbs per gallon of milk ", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "FertCosts86", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Fertiliser costs at 1986 prices", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "ConcCosts86", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Concentrate feed costs at 1986 prices", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO2cereals_TO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Cereal output as a proportion of total output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO3othcr_TO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Other crops output as a proportion of total output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO4hortic_TO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Horticulture output as a proportion of total output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO5cattle_TO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Cattle output as a proportion of total output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO6sheep_TO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Sheep output as a proportion of total output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO7pigs_TO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Pigs output as a proportion of total output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO8poultry_TO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Poultry output as a proportion of total output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO9dairy_TO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Dairy output as a proportion of total output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO2cereals_MO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Cereal output as a proportion of maximum output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO3othcr_MO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Other crops output as a proportion of maximum output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO4hortic_MO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Horticulture output as a proportion of maximum output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO5cattle_MO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Cattle output as a proportion of maximum output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO6sheep_MO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Sheep output as a proportion of maximum output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO7pigs_MO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Pigs output as a proportion of maximum output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO8poultry_MO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Poultry output as a proportion of maximum output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO9dairy_MO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Dairy output as a proportion of maximum output", "type": "number"}, {"name": "silage_equip", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "Purchase of Forage Harvester", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "silage_value", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "value of expenditure on forage harvester (current price)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "milking_equip", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "purchase of milking machine or bail or other dairy investment ", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "milking_equip_value", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "value of expenditure on milking equip in current prices", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "dairy_buildings1", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "investment in Milking Parlour", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "dairy_buildings1_value", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "value of expenditure in parlour (current prices)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "dairy_buildings2", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "investment in cubicles", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "dairy_buildings2_value", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "value of expenditure on cubicles (current prices)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Hay_equip", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "purchase of hay making equipment", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Hay_equip_value", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "value of expenditure in hay making equipment (current prices)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Baler", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "purchase of baler", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Baler_value", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "value of expenditure on baler (current prices)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Tractor", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "purchase of tractor", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Tractor_value", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "value of expenditure on tractor (current prices)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Combine_harvester", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "purchase of combine harvester", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Combine_harvester_value", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "value of expenditure on combine (current prices)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Bulk_tank", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "purchase of bulk tank", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Bulk_tank_value", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "value of expenditure on bulk tank (current prices)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "MDE", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "purchase of miscellaneous dairy equipment", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "MDE_value", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "value of expenditure on miscellaneous dairy equipment (current prices)", "type": "integer"}]}}, {"bytes": 27741001, "datahub": {"derivedFrom": ["data"], "type": "derived/json"}, "dpp:streamedFrom": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/rawstore.datahub.io/ea479b2811d0232c18dc56e95e21303f#.csv", "encoding": "utf-8", "format": "json", "hash": "245b6b553554b64019a2c32b9e4d2726", "name": "data_json", "path": "https://pkgstore.datahub.io/90998f7f90e086bd5fc7c9075dfda43b/farm-survey-simple/1/data_json/data/245b6b553554b64019a2c32b9e4d2726/data_json.json", "profile": "data-resource", "rowcount": 4987, "schema": {"fields": [{"name": "UniqueRecord", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Unique Record identifier - FMSFarm and Year", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "FMSFarm", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Unique Farm identifier", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Year", "spss:format": "F7", "title": "Year of fieldbook", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "WeeklyWage", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Average weekly wage", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "API", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Agricultural Price Index", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "CPI", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Compound Price Index", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "FPI", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Fertiliser Price Index", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "RG", "spss:format": "F8.1", "title": "Area Rough Grazing (ac)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "RG_Eq", "spss:format": "F8.1", "title": "Area Rough Grazing equivalent (ac)", "type": "number"}, {"name": "CensusSizeCategories", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Farm size as defined by census returns 1950-1970", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "AreaFarmed", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Total area farmed (ac)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "GrassArea", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Area of grassland less RG (ac)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "TotalGrassArea", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Total area of grassland including RG (ac)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "TotalCropArea", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Total Area of crops (ac)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Crop_pcent", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "% of crop land to area farmed", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Y1wheat", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Wheat yield (tons/acre)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Y2barley", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Barley yield (tons/acre)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Y3oats", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Oats yield (tons/acre)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Y4sbeet", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Sugar beet yield (tons/acre)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Y5pots", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Potatoes (tons/acre)", "type": "number"}, {"name": "Y9eggs", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Egg Yield (Dozen Eggs)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Y10milk", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Milk Yield (Gallons)", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "MilkYield_acre", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Milk yield per acre of grass (excl. rough grazing)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "MilkYield_100Conc", "spss:format": "F8.3", "title": "Milk yield per £100 use of concentrates", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "MilkYield_100Conc_MA3", "spss:format": "F8.3", "title": "Milk yield per £100 use of concentrates - 3yr moving average", "type": "number"}, {"name": "O2cereal", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of cereal output (excl. deficiency payments)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "O3othcr", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of other crop output", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "O4hortic", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of horticultural output", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "O5cattle", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of cattle output (excl. subsidies)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "O6sheep", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of Sheep output (excl. subsidies)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "O7pigs", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of pig output", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "O8poultry", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of poultry output", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "O9dairy", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of dairy produce", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Enterprises", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Total number of enterprises selling produce", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "P5cattle", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of cattle stock purchases", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "P6sheep", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of sheep stock purchases", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "P7pigs", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of pig stock purchases", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "P8poultry", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of poultry stock purchases", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "AllPurchases", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Value of all purchases", "type": "number"}, {"name": "WorkHorses", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Number of working horses (closing number)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "TotalOutput", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Total Output of all enterprises", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "GrazingOutput", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Grazing Output (O5cattle + 06sheep + 09dairy)", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "GrazingOutput_acre", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Grazing output per grazing acre", "type": "number"}, {"name": "CropOutput", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Crop Output (O2cereals + O3othcr)", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "CropOutput_acre", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Crop Output per crop acre", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "CerealOutput_100_Fert", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Cereal Output per £100 of fertiliser", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "OtherCrop_100_TotalOutput", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Other crop output as a ratio of total output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "CropOutput86", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Crop output adjusted to 1986 prices", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "CropOutput86_acre", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Crop output per acre adjusted to 1986 prices", "type": "number"}, {"name": "AnimalOutput", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Gross output from all animal output", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "AniOutput_100_Conc", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Animal Output per £100 of concentrates", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "AniOutput_100_Conc_MA3", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Animal Output per £100 of concentrates - 3yr moving average", "type": "number"}, {"name": "MaxOutput", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Absolute value of highest financially yielding enterprise", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "TotalNetOutput", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Net output of enterprises less the purchase of livestock", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Cattle_DairyNetOutput", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of cattle outputs (Cattle and Dairy) less the purchase of cattle", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "SheepNetOutput", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of sheep output less the purchase of sheep", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "GrazingNetOutput", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Value of grazing output (dairy, cattle, and sheep) less the purchase of cattle and sheep", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "GrazingNetOutput_acre", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Gross grazing output per acre", "type": "number"}, {"name": "PigsNetOutput", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of pig output less the purchase of pigs", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "PoultryNetOutput", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of poultry output less the purchase of poultry", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "NetAnimalOutput", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Value of Animal Output less Animal purchases", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "NetAniOutput_100_Conc", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Net animal output per £100 use of concentrates", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "NetAniOutput_100_Conc_MA3", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Net animal output per £100 use of concentrates - 3yr moving average", "type": "number"}, {"name": "MaxNetOutput", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Net value of highest financially yielding enterprise", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "GrazingOutput86", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Gross grazing output adjusted for 1986 prices", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "GrazingOutput86_acre", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Gross grazing output per acre adjusted for 1986 prices", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "GrazingNetOutput86", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Net Grazing output adjusted for 1986 prices", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "GrazingNetOutput86_acre", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Net Grazing output per acre adjusted for 1986 prices", "type": "number"}, {"name": "AbsLab", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Absolute labour (number)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I9lab", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Cost of labour", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I1ferts", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Cost of fertilisers", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I2pests", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Cost of crop sprays & dust", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I3miscc", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Miscellaneous crop costs", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I4seed", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Cost of seeds", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I5Conc", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Cost of concentrates", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I6vet", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Vet and medicine costs", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I7lscosts", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Other livestock costs (other feed + other livestock costs)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I8rent", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Rent and rates (Rent, Rental value, Rates & other rents - not imputed costs for improvements)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I10mach_costs", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Cost of Machinery (Mach repairs, fuel, contract)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I11bldng", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Building repairs (small tools etc.)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I12drain", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Drainage costs", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I13misc", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Miscellaneous costs", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "AverageK", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Average capital cost (OV+CV)/2", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "TotalCosts", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Total costs of inputs", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "TotalCosts_incl_lvstkpurch", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Total costs of inputs including livestock purchases (AllPurchases)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "TotalCosts86", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Total costs adjusted to 1986 prices", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "TotalCosts_incl_lvstkpurch86", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Total costs including livestock purchasing adjusted to 1986 prices", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "IFSgross", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Index of Farm Specialization based on gross output values", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "IFSnet", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Index of Farm Specialization based on net output values", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "GrossOutput_100_input", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Ratio of gross output per £100 of inputs ", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "GrossOutput_100_labour", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Ratio of gross output per £100 of labour cost", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "GrossOutput_100_capital", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Ratio of gross output per £100 of capital", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "NetOutput_100_input", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Ratio of net output per £100 of inputs ", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "NetOutput_100_labour", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Ratio of net output per £100 of labour cost", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "NetOutput_100_capital", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Ratio of net output per £100 of capital", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Fert_Pest_Ratio", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Fertiliser pesticide ratio", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "InputLabourRatio", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Input Labour Ratio (TotalCosts / Labour)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "LabCosts86", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Labour costs adjusted for 1986 prices", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "LabCosts_acre86", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Labour costs per acre adjusted for 1986 prices", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "WeeksOFLabour", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Number of weeks of labour", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "FTE_est", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Estimated Full-Time Equivalents working on farm", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "FTE_est_acre", "spss:format": "F8.3", "title": "Estimated Full-Time Equivalents working per acre", "type": "number"}, {"name": "C2bldnginv", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of investment made", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Investment", "spss:format": "A3000", "title": "Description of investment", "type": "string"}, {"name": "CapitalGrant", "spss:format": "F10", "title": "Total value of capital grants", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Capital_Grant_Purpose", "spss:format": "A900", "title": "Capital Grants - Capital Grant Purpose", "type": "string"}, {"name": "C1m_cbought", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of machinery bought", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Machbought", "spss:format": "A3000", "title": "Description of machinery bought", "type": "string"}, {"name": "Machinery_Grant", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Machinery Grant", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Machinery_Grant_Purpose", "spss:format": "A900", "title": "Machinery Grant Purpose", "type": "string"}, {"name": "GovtGrants", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of capital grants", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_Ploughing", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Ploughing", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_Calf", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Calf", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_Capitation_Bonus", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Capitation Bonus", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_Beefcow", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Beef Cow", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_HillCattle", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Hill cattle", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_HillCowSubsidy", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Hill Cow Subsidy", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_SCP", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - SCP", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_BCBIS", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Beef Cow Brucellosis Incentive Scheme", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_EwePrem", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - EAP", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_HillSheep", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Hill Sheep", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_Boar", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Boar", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_Drainage", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Drainage", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_Fertiliser", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Fertiliser", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_Petrol", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Petrol", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_Manure", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Manure", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_Cottage", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Cottage", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_Water_Supply", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Water Supply", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_Guidance", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Guidance Premium", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_othCrops", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Other crops", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_Other_grant", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Other Grant", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_Other_Text", "spss:format": "A300", "title": "Government Grant - Other Grant Text", "type": "string"}, {"name": "FarmersAge", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Age of Principle Farmer", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Tenure", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Tenure type", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "NameChange", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Change of name on Fieldbook", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "FarmType", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Farm type (front of fieldbook)", "type": "number"}, {"name": "SoilType", "spss:format": "A150", "title": "Soil type (front of fieldbook)", "type": "string"}, {"name": "AltitudeMin", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Minimum altitude (front of fieldbook)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "AltitudeMax", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Minimum altitude (front of fieldbook)", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "DistrictType", "spss:format": "F8.1", "title": "Type of district belonged to", "type": "number"}, {"name": "GridReference", "spss:format": "A30", "title": "Grid Reference", "type": "string"}, {"name": "SignficantComments", "spss:format": "A3000", "title": "Comments that might be significant", "type": "string"}, {"name": "BreedComments", "spss:format": "A150", "title": "Comments about breeds", "type": "string"}, {"name": "Dummy_cattle", "spss:format": "F1", "title": "Farms that sell cattle", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Dummy_sheep", "spss:format": "F1", "title": "Farms that sell sheep", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Dummy_pigs", "spss:format": "F1", "title": "Farms that sell pigs", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Dummy_poultry", "spss:format": "F1", "title": "Farms that sell poultry", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Dummy_dairy", "spss:format": "F1", "title": "Farms that sell dairy", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Dummy_Cereals", "spss:format": "F1", "title": "Farms that sell cereals", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Dummy_othercrops", "spss:format": "F1", "title": "Farms that sell other crops", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Dummy_workhorses", "spss:format": "F1", "title": "Farms that keep workhorses", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Dummy_Electricity", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Farm have installed mains electricity", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Years1950_1969", "spss:format": "F1", "title": "Farms fieldbook records in the 50s and 60s", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Years1970on", "spss:format": "F1", "title": "Farms fieldbook records post 1970", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "YearsBefore1950", "spss:format": "F1", "title": "Farms fieldbook records before 1950", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "SampleYearAreaMean", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Annual sample mean for area farmed", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "SampleYearAreaMedian", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Annual sample median for area farmed", "type": "number"}, {"name": "FarmSize_vs_SampleMean", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Farm Area compared to sample mean", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "FarmSize_vs_SampleMedian", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Farm Area compared to sample median", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Dif_Farmarea_SampleMean", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Difference between farm area and sample mean", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Dif_Farmarea_SampleMedian", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Difference between farm area and sample median", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Pc_dif_Farmarea_SampleMean", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Percentage difference between farm size and sample mean", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Pc_dif_Farmarea_SampleMedian", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Percentage difference between farm size and sample mean", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "AbsChangeOfFarmSize", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Absolute change in farm area over period of time in survey", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "CategorizingChangeMean", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Change in farm area over period in farm survey compared to mean", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "CategorizingChangeMedian", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Change in farm area over period in farm survey compared to median", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "RelPeriodChange", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Relative change within farm from first to last entry", "type": "number"}, {"name": "CatPeriodChange", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Category of relative change within farm from first to last entry", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "N_Used_units", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Nitrogen Use per farm (units)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "N_Used_units_ac", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Nitrogen Use per farm (units/acre)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Nused_units_ac_MA2", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Moving average (2 years) for nitrogen Use per farm (units/acre)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Nused_units_ac_MA3", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Moving average (3 years) for nitrogen Use per farm (units/acre)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "N_Used_kg_ha", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Nitrogen Use per farm (kg/ha) ", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Nused_kg_ha_MA2", "spss:format": "F7.2", "title": "Moving average (2 years) for nitrogen Use per farm (kg/ha)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Nused_kg_ha_MA3", "spss:format": "F11.2", "title": "Moving average (3 years) for nitrogen Use per farm (kg/ha)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Conc_ac", "spss:format": "F8.3", "title": "Concentrate use per acre", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Conc_lbs", "spss:format": "F8.3", "title": "Concentrate lbs per gallon of milk ", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "FertCosts86", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Fertiliser costs at 1986 prices", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "ConcCosts86", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Concentrate feed costs at 1986 prices", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO2cereals_TO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Cereal output as a proportion of total output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO3othcr_TO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Other crops output as a proportion of total output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO4hortic_TO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Horticulture output as a proportion of total output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO5cattle_TO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Cattle output as a proportion of total output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO6sheep_TO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Sheep output as a proportion of total output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO7pigs_TO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Pigs output as a proportion of total output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO8poultry_TO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Poultry output as a proportion of total output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO9dairy_TO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Dairy output as a proportion of total output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO2cereals_MO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Cereal output as a proportion of maximum output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO3othcr_MO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Other crops output as a proportion of maximum output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO4hortic_MO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Horticulture output as a proportion of maximum output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO5cattle_MO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Cattle output as a proportion of maximum output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO6sheep_MO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Sheep output as a proportion of maximum output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO7pigs_MO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Pigs output as a proportion of maximum output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO8poultry_MO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Poultry output as a proportion of maximum output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO9dairy_MO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Dairy output as a proportion of maximum output", "type": "number"}, {"name": "silage_equip", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "Purchase of Forage Harvester", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "silage_value", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "value of expenditure on forage harvester (current price)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "milking_equip", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "purchase of milking machine or bail or other dairy investment ", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "milking_equip_value", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "value of expenditure on milking equip in current prices", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "dairy_buildings1", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "investment in Milking Parlour", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "dairy_buildings1_value", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "value of expenditure in parlour (current prices)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "dairy_buildings2", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "investment in cubicles", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "dairy_buildings2_value", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "value of expenditure on cubicles (current prices)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Hay_equip", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "purchase of hay making equipment", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Hay_equip_value", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "value of expenditure in hay making equipment (current prices)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Baler", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "purchase of baler", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Baler_value", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "value of expenditure on baler (current prices)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Tractor", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "purchase of tractor", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Tractor_value", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "value of expenditure on tractor (current prices)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Combine_harvester", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "purchase of combine harvester", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Combine_harvester_value", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "value of expenditure on combine (current prices)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Bulk_tank", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "purchase of bulk tank", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Bulk_tank_value", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "value of expenditure on bulk tank (current prices)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "MDE", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "purchase of miscellaneous dairy equipment", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "MDE_value", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "value of expenditure on miscellaneous dairy equipment (current prices)", "type": "integer"}]}}, {"bytes": 19856354, "datahub": {"type": "derived/zip"}, "description": "Compressed versions of dataset. 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"title": "Unique Farm identifier", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Year", "spss:format": "F7", "title": "Year of fieldbook", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "WeeklyWage", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Average weekly wage", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "API", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Agricultural Price Index", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "CPI", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Compound Price Index", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "FPI", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Fertiliser Price Index", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "RG", "spss:format": "F8.1", "title": "Area Rough Grazing (ac)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "RG_Eq", "spss:format": "F8.1", "title": "Area Rough Grazing equivalent (ac)", "type": "number"}, {"name": "CensusSizeCategories", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Farm size as defined by census returns 1950-1970", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "AreaFarmed", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Total area farmed (ac)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "GrassArea", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Area of grassland less RG (ac)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "TotalGrassArea", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Total area of grassland including RG (ac)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "TotalCropArea", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Total Area of crops (ac)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Crop_pcent", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "% of crop land to area farmed", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Y1wheat", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Wheat yield (tons/acre)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Y2barley", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Barley yield (tons/acre)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Y3oats", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Oats yield (tons/acre)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Y4sbeet", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Sugar beet yield (tons/acre)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Y5pots", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Potatoes (tons/acre)", "type": "number"}, {"name": "Y9eggs", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Egg Yield (Dozen Eggs)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Y10milk", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Milk Yield (Gallons)", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "MilkYield_acre", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Milk yield per acre of grass (excl. rough grazing)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "MilkYield_100Conc", "spss:format": "F8.3", "title": "Milk yield per £100 use of concentrates", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "MilkYield_100Conc_MA3", "spss:format": "F8.3", "title": "Milk yield per £100 use of concentrates - 3yr moving average", "type": "number"}, {"name": "O2cereal", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of cereal output (excl. deficiency payments)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "O3othcr", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of other crop output", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "O4hortic", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of horticultural output", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "O5cattle", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of cattle output (excl. subsidies)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "O6sheep", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of Sheep output (excl. subsidies)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "O7pigs", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of pig output", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "O8poultry", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of poultry output", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "O9dairy", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of dairy produce", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Enterprises", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Total number of enterprises selling produce", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "P5cattle", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of cattle stock purchases", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "P6sheep", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of sheep stock purchases", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "P7pigs", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of pig stock purchases", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "P8poultry", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of poultry stock purchases", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "AllPurchases", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Value of all purchases", "type": "number"}, {"name": "WorkHorses", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Number of working horses (closing number)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "TotalOutput", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Total Output of all enterprises", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "GrazingOutput", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Grazing Output (O5cattle + 06sheep + 09dairy)", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "GrazingOutput_acre", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Grazing output per grazing acre", "type": "number"}, {"name": "CropOutput", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Crop Output (O2cereals + O3othcr)", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "CropOutput_acre", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Crop Output per crop acre", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "CerealOutput_100_Fert", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Cereal Output per £100 of fertiliser", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "OtherCrop_100_TotalOutput", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Other crop output as a ratio of total output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "CropOutput86", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Crop output adjusted to 1986 prices", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "CropOutput86_acre", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Crop output per acre adjusted to 1986 prices", "type": "number"}, {"name": "AnimalOutput", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Gross output from all animal output", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "AniOutput_100_Conc", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Animal Output per £100 of concentrates", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "AniOutput_100_Conc_MA3", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Animal Output per £100 of concentrates - 3yr moving average", "type": "number"}, {"name": "MaxOutput", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Absolute value of highest financially yielding enterprise", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "TotalNetOutput", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Net output of enterprises less the purchase of livestock", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Cattle_DairyNetOutput", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of cattle outputs (Cattle and Dairy) less the purchase of cattle", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "SheepNetOutput", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of sheep output less the purchase of sheep", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "GrazingNetOutput", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Value of grazing output (dairy, cattle, and sheep) less the purchase of cattle and sheep", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "GrazingNetOutput_acre", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Gross grazing output per acre", "type": "number"}, {"name": "PigsNetOutput", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of pig output less the purchase of pigs", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "PoultryNetOutput", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of poultry output less the purchase of poultry", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "NetAnimalOutput", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Value of Animal Output less Animal purchases", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "NetAniOutput_100_Conc", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Net animal output per £100 use of concentrates", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "NetAniOutput_100_Conc_MA3", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Net animal output per £100 use of concentrates - 3yr moving average", "type": "number"}, {"name": "MaxNetOutput", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Net value of highest financially yielding enterprise", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "GrazingOutput86", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Gross grazing output adjusted for 1986 prices", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "GrazingOutput86_acre", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Gross grazing output per acre adjusted for 1986 prices", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "GrazingNetOutput86", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Net Grazing output adjusted for 1986 prices", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "GrazingNetOutput86_acre", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Net Grazing output per acre adjusted for 1986 prices", "type": "number"}, {"name": "AbsLab", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Absolute labour (number)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I9lab", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Cost of labour", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I1ferts", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Cost of fertilisers", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I2pests", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Cost of crop sprays & dust", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I3miscc", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Miscellaneous crop costs", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I4seed", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Cost of seeds", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I5Conc", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Cost of concentrates", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I6vet", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Vet and medicine costs", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I7lscosts", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Other livestock costs (other feed + other livestock costs)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I8rent", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Rent and rates (Rent, Rental value, Rates & other rents - not imputed costs for improvements)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I10mach_costs", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Cost of Machinery (Mach repairs, fuel, contract)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I11bldng", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Building repairs (small tools etc.)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I12drain", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Drainage costs", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "I13misc", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Miscellaneous costs", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "AverageK", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Average capital cost (OV+CV)/2", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "TotalCosts", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Total costs of inputs", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "TotalCosts_incl_lvstkpurch", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Total costs of inputs including livestock purchases (AllPurchases)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "TotalCosts86", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Total costs adjusted to 1986 prices", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "TotalCosts_incl_lvstkpurch86", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Total costs including livestock purchasing adjusted to 1986 prices", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "IFSgross", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Index of Farm Specialization based on gross output values", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "IFSnet", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Index of Farm Specialization based on net output values", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "GrossOutput_100_input", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Ratio of gross output per £100 of inputs ", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "GrossOutput_100_labour", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Ratio of gross output per £100 of labour cost", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "GrossOutput_100_capital", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Ratio of gross output per £100 of capital", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "NetOutput_100_input", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Ratio of net output per £100 of inputs ", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "NetOutput_100_labour", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Ratio of net output per £100 of labour cost", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "NetOutput_100_capital", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Ratio of net output per £100 of capital", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Fert_Pest_Ratio", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Fertiliser pesticide ratio", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "InputLabourRatio", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Input Labour Ratio (TotalCosts / Labour)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "LabCosts86", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Labour costs adjusted for 1986 prices", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "LabCosts_acre86", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Labour costs per acre adjusted for 1986 prices", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "WeeksOFLabour", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Number of weeks of labour", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "FTE_est", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Estimated Full-Time Equivalents working on farm", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "FTE_est_acre", "spss:format": "F8.3", "title": "Estimated Full-Time Equivalents working per acre", "type": "number"}, {"name": "C2bldnginv", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of investment made", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Investment", "spss:format": "A3000", "title": "Description of investment", "type": "string"}, {"name": "CapitalGrant", "spss:format": "F10", "title": "Total value of capital grants", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Capital_Grant_Purpose", "spss:format": "A900", "title": "Capital Grants - Capital Grant Purpose", "type": "string"}, {"name": "C1m_cbought", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of machinery bought", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Machbought", "spss:format": "A3000", "title": "Description of machinery bought", "type": "string"}, {"name": "Machinery_Grant", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Machinery Grant", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Machinery_Grant_Purpose", "spss:format": "A900", "title": "Machinery Grant Purpose", "type": "string"}, {"name": "GovtGrants", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Value of capital grants", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_Ploughing", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Ploughing", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_Calf", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Calf", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_Capitation_Bonus", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Capitation Bonus", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_Beefcow", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Beef Cow", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_HillCattle", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Hill cattle", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_HillCowSubsidy", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Hill Cow Subsidy", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_SCP", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - SCP", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_BCBIS", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Beef Cow Brucellosis Incentive Scheme", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_EwePrem", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - EAP", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_HillSheep", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Hill Sheep", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_Boar", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Boar", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_Drainage", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Drainage", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_Fertiliser", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Fertiliser", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_Petrol", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Petrol", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_Manure", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Manure", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_Cottage", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Cottage", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_Water_Supply", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Water Supply", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_Guidance", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Guidance Premium", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_othCrops", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Other crops", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_Other_grant", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Government Grant - Other Grant", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Grant_Other_Text", "spss:format": "A300", "title": "Government Grant - Other Grant Text", "type": "string"}, {"name": "FarmersAge", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Age of Principle Farmer", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Tenure", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Tenure type", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "NameChange", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Change of name on Fieldbook", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "FarmType", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Farm type (front of fieldbook)", "type": "number"}, {"name": "SoilType", "spss:format": "A150", "title": "Soil type (front of fieldbook)", "type": "string"}, {"name": "AltitudeMin", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Minimum altitude (front of fieldbook)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "AltitudeMax", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Minimum altitude (front of fieldbook)", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "DistrictType", "spss:format": "F8.1", "title": "Type of district belonged to", "type": "number"}, {"name": "GridReference", "spss:format": "A30", "title": "Grid Reference", "type": "string"}, {"name": "SignficantComments", "spss:format": "A3000", "title": "Comments that might be significant", "type": "string"}, {"name": "BreedComments", "spss:format": "A150", "title": "Comments about breeds", "type": "string"}, {"name": "Dummy_cattle", "spss:format": "F1", "title": "Farms that sell cattle", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Dummy_sheep", "spss:format": "F1", "title": "Farms that sell sheep", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Dummy_pigs", "spss:format": "F1", "title": "Farms that sell pigs", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Dummy_poultry", "spss:format": "F1", "title": "Farms that sell poultry", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Dummy_dairy", "spss:format": "F1", "title": "Farms that sell dairy", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Dummy_Cereals", "spss:format": "F1", "title": "Farms that sell cereals", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Dummy_othercrops", "spss:format": "F1", "title": "Farms that sell other crops", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Dummy_workhorses", "spss:format": "F1", "title": "Farms that keep workhorses", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Dummy_Electricity", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Farm have installed mains electricity", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Years1950_1969", "spss:format": "F1", "title": "Farms fieldbook records in the 50s and 60s", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Years1970on", "spss:format": "F1", "title": "Farms fieldbook records post 1970", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "YearsBefore1950", "spss:format": "F1", "title": "Farms fieldbook records before 1950", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "SampleYearAreaMean", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Annual sample mean for area farmed", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "SampleYearAreaMedian", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Annual sample median for area farmed", "type": "number"}, {"name": "FarmSize_vs_SampleMean", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Farm Area compared to sample mean", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "FarmSize_vs_SampleMedian", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Farm Area compared to sample median", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Dif_Farmarea_SampleMean", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Difference between farm area and sample mean", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Dif_Farmarea_SampleMedian", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Difference between farm area and sample median", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Pc_dif_Farmarea_SampleMean", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Percentage difference between farm size and sample mean", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Pc_dif_Farmarea_SampleMedian", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Percentage difference between farm size and sample mean", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "AbsChangeOfFarmSize", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Absolute change in farm area over period of time in survey", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "CategorizingChangeMean", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Change in farm area over period in farm survey compared to mean", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "CategorizingChangeMedian", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Change in farm area over period in farm survey compared to median", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "RelPeriodChange", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Relative change within farm from first to last entry", "type": "number"}, {"name": "CatPeriodChange", "spss:format": "F8", "title": "Category of relative change within farm from first to last entry", "type": "integer"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "N_Used_units", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Nitrogen Use per farm (units)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "N_Used_units_ac", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Nitrogen Use per farm (units/acre)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Nused_units_ac_MA2", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Moving average (2 years) for nitrogen Use per farm (units/acre)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Nused_units_ac_MA3", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Moving average (3 years) for nitrogen Use per farm (units/acre)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "N_Used_kg_ha", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Nitrogen Use per farm (kg/ha) ", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Nused_kg_ha_MA2", "spss:format": "F7.2", "title": "Moving average (2 years) for nitrogen Use per farm (kg/ha)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Nused_kg_ha_MA3", "spss:format": "F11.2", "title": "Moving average (3 years) for nitrogen Use per farm (kg/ha)", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Conc_ac", "spss:format": "F8.3", "title": "Concentrate use per acre", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "Conc_lbs", "spss:format": "F8.3", "title": "Concentrate lbs per gallon of milk ", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "FertCosts86", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Fertiliser costs at 1986 prices", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "ConcCosts86", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Concentrate feed costs at 1986 prices", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO2cereals_TO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Cereal output as a proportion of total output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO3othcr_TO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Other crops output as a proportion of total output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO4hortic_TO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Horticulture output as a proportion of total output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO5cattle_TO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Cattle output as a proportion of total output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO6sheep_TO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Sheep output as a proportion of total output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO7pigs_TO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Pigs output as a proportion of total output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO8poultry_TO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Poultry output as a proportion of total output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO9dairy_TO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Dairy output as a proportion of total output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO2cereals_MO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Cereal output as a proportion of maximum output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO3othcr_MO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Other crops output as a proportion of maximum output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO4hortic_MO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Horticulture output as a proportion of maximum output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO5cattle_MO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Cattle output as a proportion of maximum output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO6sheep_MO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Sheep output as a proportion of maximum output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO7pigs_MO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Pigs output as a proportion of maximum output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO8poultry_MO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Poultry output as a proportion of maximum output", "type": "number"}, {"decimalChar": ".", "groupChar": "", "name": "PropO9dairy_MO", "spss:format": "F8.2", "title": "Dairy output as a proportion of maximum output", "type": "number"}, {"name": "silage_equip", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "Purchase of Forage Harvester", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "silage_value", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "value of expenditure on forage harvester (current price)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "milking_equip", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "purchase of milking machine or bail or other dairy investment ", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "milking_equip_value", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "value of expenditure on milking equip in current prices", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "dairy_buildings1", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "investment in Milking Parlour", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "dairy_buildings1_value", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "value of expenditure in parlour (current prices)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "dairy_buildings2", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "investment in cubicles", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "dairy_buildings2_value", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "value of expenditure on cubicles (current prices)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Hay_equip", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "purchase of hay making equipment", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Hay_equip_value", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "value of expenditure in hay making equipment (current prices)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Baler", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "purchase of baler", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Baler_value", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "value of expenditure on baler (current prices)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Tractor", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "purchase of tractor", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Tractor_value", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "value of expenditure on tractor (current prices)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Combine_harvester", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "purchase of combine harvester", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Combine_harvester_value", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "value of expenditure on combine (current prices)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Bulk_tank", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "purchase of bulk tank", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "Bulk_tank_value", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "value of expenditure on bulk tank (current prices)", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "MDE", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "purchase of miscellaneous dairy equipment", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "MDE_value", "spss:format": "F12", "title": "value of expenditure on miscellaneous dairy equipment (current prices)", "type": "integer"}]}}], "title": "Farm Management Survey- SPSS data set", "views": [{"name": "vega-view", "resources": ["res-062-23-1831-fbs-data-for-esrc-archive-sav"], "spec": {"axes": [{"format": "04d", "scale": "x", "type": "x"}, {"scale": "y", "type": "y"}], "data": [{"format": {"parse": {"Tractor": "number", "WorkHorses": "number", "Year": "integer"}, "type": "csv"}, 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